Vegan Australia Certified logo pack

Thank you for certifying your products with Vegan Australia Certified.

From the bottom of this page you can download a pack containing the Vegan Australia Certified logo in a number of formats.

Guidelines for using the Vegan Australia Certified logo

  • The Vegan Australia Certified logo is a registered trade mark and can only be used by licence holders for products that have been certified by Vegan Australia. Please do not link to this page or share it outside your organisation.
  • The formats included in the logo pack are PNG, SVG and AI formats, in several styles. You can use whichever style suits the context of the packaging.
  • We place no restriction on the colours that can be used to display the logo. The logo may be displayed with any foreground and background colours, including transparent. For your information the green shade we use is #46880c.
  • The logo may be displayed at any size and may be rotated, but the graphic proportions must not be altered. The logo must not be cropped.
  • The logo may be displayed on packaging and menus associated with certified products as well as in promotional materials and online when associated with certified products.
  • The logo must not be used on packaging that also depicts any animals being exploited or harmed.
  • If all your products are certified vegan, the logo may also be placed anywhere your business name appears.
  • Artwork for packaging, promotions, etc does not have to be submitted to Vegan Australia for approval.

Designers should also read our Vegan Australia Brand Guidelines. They are included in the logo pack below.

We also encourage you to post about being Vegan Australia Certified on your social media. A simple way to do this is to overlay the logo onto images of your products.

You can also tag Vegan Australia on the following social media platforms:

Thanks again for certifying your products with Vegan Australia and we look forward to seeing the logo on your packaging soon.

Download logo pack here (zip file)

Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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